Monday 30 July 2012

Feb 16th 2000

Killed my first squirrel earlier (grey of course). I hadn't gone out with the intention of hunting anything because my larder is filled at the momoent, but when I happened upon the animal sitting in a pool of sunshine, seemingly not a care in its head, some unexplained urge came over me to make today the day I try squirrel meat. It looked so healthy, so edible in the sun like a wild fruit shining.
It didn't see my rifle rise or hear the pellets in my bag. I was as death gracing the terminal ward, fuelled by the will of arrows. It could not have felt its end as it fell in an instant. If humane dispatch is in any way possible, then I granted it to this juicy looking little fellow.
All animals are fair game for food to me. (I could never hunt for sport.) Even domestic pets like dogs I would have no problem eating. Afterall meat is meat is meat, and nobody happy eating at those foul KFC places should ever condemn other cultures for including dog meat in their diet. (And remember those cultures are far more sincere than the awful brand obssessed Western 'cultures'.) Nor could they ever make a moral argument against it. Pigs are also sacred to some, our moral argument against eating dog is as weak as wet paper.

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